The first phase of our Safe Smiles program brought 1,500 masks to community groups and Catholic Charities in South Omaha. Thank you to all the mask-makers and their supporters. Masks were distributed with bilingual care and use instructions and a bilingual prayer for these challenging times.
Encouraged by the success of the first phase, Ixim is launching a second phase of Safe Smiles which will focus on providing masks to schoolchildren and their parents. While adult-size masks have become more readily available with medical centers and community groups distributing masks and stores and online retailers having them in-stock, child-size masks are still difficult to find.
Phase 1 of Safe Smiles distributed about 60% adult-size masks and 40% child-size masks. Our Phase 2 goal is to flip these percentages to make about 600 child masks and 400 adult size masks by the week of August 17.
Volunteers will make masks and deliver them to packagers. Packagers will put individual masks in Ziploc bags along with bilingual instructions for care and use and a bilingual prayer from Ixim.
Please contact Charlie ( or 531-218-6354) for more information and child-size mask patterns. He'll also guide you to where to take your masks when you've completed a batch.