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Safe Smiles helps in South Omaha

Last week, Ixim delivered nearly 1,000 masks to community partners in South Omaha. The masks were created by a team of around 40 volunteers organized by Ixim's COVID-19 Response Committee as part of a drive to make 2,000 masks in June. 

Sister Mary Kay Meagher delivered about 200 masks for adults and children to Ixim's community partner Pixan Ixim. Pixan Ixim serves the local Mayan community, many of whom come from Huehuetenango. Juana and Luis Marcos will have masks available for members of their community. 

Another 700 masks were delivered to the Juan Diego Center, a community center run by Catholic Charities Omaha serving the South Omaha community. The attached picture shows Director of  Emergency and Supportive Food Services Mikaela Schuele giving a mask to a visitor to the center. Masks will be distributed to visitors to the Center and its food pantry. 

All masks are packaged with bilingual care and use instructions and a bilingual prayer for this challenging time. 

We're still working toward our goal of 2,000 masks. If you'd like to be part of Safe Smiles, contact Charlie at You can also donate to our COVID-19 response efforts at

Also contact Charlie if you're aware of other organizations in need of masks. 
